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CSS JQuery

How to add CSS class with Jquery

In web development, jQuery serves as a powerful tool for manipulating HTML elements, including the addition of CSS classes dynamically. This functionality enables developers to alter styles and enhance the appearance of elements based on user interactions or specific events. Let’s explore how to add CSS classes using jQuery. Adding CSS Classes with jQuery 1. […]


How to underline text in HTML using CSS

Adding emphasis to text in your HTML documents is a common styling requirement in web development. One way to emphasize text is by underlining it. In this article, we’ll explore how to underline text in HTML using CSS. Prerequisites Before we start, ensure you have the following: Steps to Underline Text Using CSS: 1. Create […]


How to align button in center in HTML with CSS

In HTML, buttons are commonly used for various purposes, such as triggering actions, submitting forms, and navigating to different pages. However, aligning a button in the center of a webpage or container can be tricky. In this article, we will explore different methods to align a button in the center of a webpage using CSS. […]


How to align button in center in HTML without CSS

In HTML, buttons are used to trigger actions, submit forms, and navigate to different pages. However, aligning a button in the center of a webpage or container can be challenging without using CSS. In this article, we will explore different methods to align a button in the center of a webpage without using CSS. Method […]


How to align text with checkbox in CSS

Aligning text alongside checkboxes in CSS can be challenging due to the default box-sizing behavior and the varying dimensions of text and checkbox elements. However, with CSS techniques, achieving proper alignment between text and checkboxes is feasible. Let’s explore several methods to accomplish text-checkbox alignment in CSS for a cleaner and more visually appealing UI. […]

Angular CSS

How to add CSS class on click in Angular

In Angular applications, dynamically adding CSS classes on user interaction, such as a click event, offers a way to enhance visual feedback and interactivity. This functionality allows for seamless changes in styling based on user actions. Let’s explore how to implement this feature within an Angular application. Implementing Dynamic CSS Class Addition on Click 1. […]


Mastering Text Alignment: How to Justify Text with CSS

Text justification in CSS is a styling technique used to create clean and organized text layouts, enhancing readability and aesthetics. By aligning text to both the left and right margins, the content appears balanced and visually appealing. Let’s explore how to implement text justification using CSS. Using CSS Properties for Text Justification 1. text-align Property […]
