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Next JS

How to run Next JS build locally

Next.js, the versatile React framework, empowers developers to build robust web applications with ease. One key aspect of Next.js is generating optimized production builds, ensuring your application runs efficiently. Let’s delve into the process of running Next.js builds locally to streamline your development workflow.

The Significance of Local Next.js Builds

Local builds mimic the production environment, enabling developers to preview their applications as end-users would experience them. This crucial step helps catch potential issues early on, ensuring a smoother deployment process.

Steps to Run Next.js Build Locally

1. Install Dependencies

Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Next.js projects typically use npm for package management.

2. Create a Next.js Project

If you haven’t already, create a Next.js project by using the command-line tool or cloning an existing repository.

npx create-next-app my-next-app
cd my-next-app

3. Build the Next.js Application

Navigate to your project directory and execute the build command provided by Next.js.

npm run build

This command compiles and optimizes your Next.js application, generating the production-ready assets.

4. Serve the Built Application Locally

After the build process completes, you can locally serve the application to preview it before deployment.

npm start

This command launches a local server, allowing you to access your Next.js application at http://localhost:3000 by default.

Advanced Options and Customizations

Environment Variables

For more complex builds requiring environment-specific configurations, utilize environment variables in Next.js. These can be set and accessed during the build process to tailor the application behavior.

Custom Server Configuration

In certain scenarios, you might need a custom server setup. Next.js provides flexibility through custom server configurations, enabling you to define specific routing or middleware.

Analyzing Bundle Sizes

Utilize tools like next-bundle-analyzer to inspect and optimize bundle sizes. This helps identify areas for optimization and ensures an efficient application build.


Running Next.js builds locally is pivotal for ensuring the seamless performance of your applications. By following these steps and exploring advanced configurations, developers can fine-tune their Next.js projects for optimal efficiency and a superior user experience.

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