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How to align text with checkbox in CSS

Aligning text alongside checkboxes in CSS can be challenging due to the default box-sizing behavior and the varying dimensions of text and checkbox elements. However, with CSS techniques, achieving proper alignment between text and checkboxes is feasible. Let’s explore several methods to accomplish text-checkbox alignment in CSS for a cleaner and more visually appealing UI. […]


Enhancing Focus: Top 5 Noise-Cancelling Headphones for Programmers

For programmers, a quiet and distraction-free environment is crucial for deep concentration and productivity. Noise-cancelling headphones offer a sanctuary, eliminating external disturbances and immersing programmers into their code. Let’s explore five of the best noise-cancelling headphones tailored to optimize focus and comfort for programmers during coding marathons. 1. Sony WH-1000XM4 Renowned for its exceptional noise-cancelling […]

Angular Javascript

How to modify and update data table row in Angular 6

In Angular 6 applications, modifying and updating data table rows involves handling the data model, implementing user interactions, and updating the view dynamically. Let’s dive into the steps required to achieve this functionality within your Angular 6 project. Setting Up the Angular Project Ensure you have an Angular 6 project set up and a data […]


How to create a new route in Angular

In Angular applications, routing plays a pivotal role in navigating users across different views or components within a single-page application (SPA). Establishing new routes enables seamless transitions between various sections of the application. Let’s delve into the process of creating a new route in Angular to facilitate smooth navigation. Setting Up Routes in Angular 1. […]


How to create dynamic route in Angular

Dynamic routing in Angular empowers developers to handle varying data and navigate users to specific content or components based on dynamic parameters. Leveraging route parameters enables the creation of flexible and adaptable routes within an Angular application. Let’s explore the process of creating dynamic routes in Angular for versatile navigation. Setting Up Dynamic Routes 1. […]

React Native

How to auto scroll flatlist in React Native

Auto-scrolling a FlatList in React Native enables automatic movement through a list of content, enhancing user interaction and engagement within mobile applications. Implementing this feature allows for a smoother and more dynamic viewing experience. Let’s explore how to achieve auto-scroll functionality within a FlatList component in React Native. Setting Up Auto-Scroll in FlatList 1. FlatList […]


How to refresh page after update in JavaScript

In JavaScript, refreshing a page after an update is a common requirement to ensure users view the latest content or changes made within a web application. This process involves invoking a page refresh dynamically after specific updates have been executed. Let’s explore how to achieve this functionality effectively. Methods to Refresh a Page in JavaScript […]

Angular CSS

How to add CSS class on click in Angular

In Angular applications, dynamically adding CSS classes on user interaction, such as a click event, offers a way to enhance visual feedback and interactivity. This functionality allows for seamless changes in styling based on user actions. Let’s explore how to implement this feature within an Angular application. Implementing Dynamic CSS Class Addition on Click 1. […]


How to get user input in Python with example

Of course! Collecting user input in Python enables interaction and customization within scripts or programs. Here’s a guide for your blog post: Title: Capturing User Input in Python: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples Gathering user input is a fundamental aspect of many Python applications, allowing users to interact with scripts or programs dynamically. In this […]

Next JS

How to use JWT authentication with Nextjs

JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication is a popular method for securing web applications by issuing tokens for user authentication. Integrating JWT authentication within a Next.js application ensures secure access to protected routes. Let’s explore how to implement JWT authentication in a Next.js project. Setting Up JWT Authentication 1. Install Required Packages Use packages like jsonwebtoken […]
